Dear Teachers…

Dear Teachers..

I know you say that you teach because you love kids, or something along the lines of that, but I know the real reason. You’re spies. You teach to gain info on children. You make up all kinds of rules to see which kids are rule-followers, which kids are rebels, and which kids are clever.

There are two kinds of Type A children (the rule followers). Type Aa children, are goody-two-shoes. They don’t want to get in trouble. This could be for two reasons. Either they’ve seen other kids get in trouble and they think that’s bad, or they’ve gotten in big trouble before and they’re trying to change their attitude. Type Ab children are mindless. They follow any rules, no matter how pointless the rules are.

Type B children (the rebels) are rebels. They want to be all cool and stuff, so they break the rules all the time, because it’s popular at the time. There are two types of these kids, too. Let’s say  that it was now cool to follow the rules, they would follow the rules, to be cool. Type Bb children, are true rebels. They break the rules, even if it’s not cool at the moment.

Type C children (the clever ones) are very smart. They find loopholes and tricks, so they can technically follow the rules, but not in the way that teachers were thinking of. It forces teachers to constantly rethink their whole system.

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